Wednesday, June 23, 2010

U2 360 Concert Video

I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my U2 360 Concert Video (I ordered it online). So until it arrives, here are some highlights of a great review by Tim Neufeld, who teaches in the contemporary Christian ministries program at Fresno Pacific University.

Reboot at the Rose Bowl: A Celebration of Grace in Space and Time

If I were to choose one word to sum up the concert it would be “grace.” Signs of mercy, good will, and unmerited love are evident throughout the evening. The concert presents a type of nonlinear equation, not with a straight trajectory toward a single climactic theme, but a collaboration of multiple connections woven in and out of the material, all with a common denominator of grace.

At the Rose Bowl U2 drew numerous lines connecting us to this theme of grace. I can identify at least five of these grace-filled connections: band, audience, globe, and cosmos, all infused with a presence of the Spirit.

I especially like what he says about one of my favorite U2 songs:

“Ultraviolet” speaks of a love that rains down constantly and consistently even though it can’t be seen; the theme is accentuated with Bono’s brilliantly artistic laser coat and a glowing microphone from which he hangs – “your love was a light bulb hanging over my bed.”

Bono may not be available for this summer's concerts (bummer!), but at least it appears that the concert video will satisfy fans and theologians until the tour begins again!

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